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22 November 2017

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Gunaseelam : Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal temple

Place: Gunaseelam
God : prasanna Venkatachalapathy perumal

How to reach? 
Gunaseelam lies in the stretch between Trichy and Namakkal. Nearest airport and Railway Station is at Trichy. Many buses go to Gunaseelam from morning to night everyday. Buses to selam, namakkal and musuri from trichy are many in numbers and stops at Gunaseelam. Taxi cabs could also be hired from trichy. 

The temple is open from 8:30 am to 01:00 pm  and again will open in the evening from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm. 

Currently a temple garden is being developed. Anyone willing to contribute any flower plants or trees, irrigation or sprinkler construction, etc., could contribute to the temple's office. Flowers that are primarily used are Shenbagam, Rama Thulasi, Krishna thulasi, Vrikshi, Champangi, panneer etc. There is a daily annadhanam happening at temple office. So vegetable plants could also be contributed.

About the Temple
The Lord Prasanna Venkatachalapathy in the temple is elder brother to Tirupati Venkatachalapathy perumal. The temple is very similar to Tirupati in the resemblance of appearance of Perumal. There is no separate shrine for Goddess as mother is present in the heart of Prassanna Venkatachalapathy perumal. The urchavar is Venkatachalapathy perumal with Sridevi and Bhudevi. Perumal has Senghol in his right hand. This temple is famous for the Uchi kala pooja(Noon time worship). Theertham(holy water) is splashed on devotees' face at noon and night after pooja. Prassanna Venkatachalapathy holds the senghol, with which he cures devotees sufferings. People with Psycological problems, depression and the impact of black magic come here and worship. Devotees stay here for 48 days sometimes for a special form of worship. Brahmotsavam is one of the main festivals celebrated here in the month of Purattasi(septemer-october). Thirumanjanam is performed on every ekadasi(11th day from full moon or new moon day). The temple agamam followed is Vaikanasa agamam, as told by the sage Vaikanasa maharishi.  There is a Gosalai in the temple. Hotels to eat are situated very near to temple.


Penance of the sage Gunaseelar
Very long ago, student of sage Thalpiya, Gunaseelar learnt Vedhas and Puranams from his teacher in the ashram situated in the forest of Neelivanam. Once Thalpiyar along with his disciples, went on a pilgrim to Himalayas. In Himalayas, he took darshan of the great sage Vyasa. He then took bath in holy rivers like Ganga. On the way back to his ashram, he went up the great Tirumala hills and went to Tirupati temple to have Darshan of lord Venkatachalapathy. In Tirupati, Gunaseelar also had darshan of god but soon he was mesmerized by the beauty of lord Venkatachalapathy. The longer he had darshan, heavier his heart felt to leave the god. He could not leave the temple or move away from having darshan of god. So he asked Lord Venkatachalapathy to come to his ashram but Lord Venkatachalapathy told him that he had taken a decision to stay in Tirupati until the world ends. He also tells him to do penance, as a result of which he will come to Gunaseelam and stay there. He also tells him to learn the way of doing the penance from his Guru Thalpiyar.

Gunaseelar conveyed the reply of lord Ventachalapathy to his teacher and his teacher also told him the ways. He also said that "Lord Venkatachalapathy is going to arrive at Gunaseelam as result of your penance and stay there with the name prassanna venkatachalapathy until the end of the world. So, go to your ashram and do the penance!".

Hearing this from his Guru Thalpiyar, Gunaseelar took leave from his teacher and came to his ashram situated on the banks of river Kaveri with lots of excitement. There he took bath in river Kaveri and started his penance, concentrating his mind on lord Venkatachalapathy.

Gunaseelar did his penance severely. He stood among five heaps of fire in summer, with wet clothes in winter and by standing in water in rainy season. By seeing his penance the devas got fear of their position in Devalokha. The leader of Devas, Indran got fear of losing his position and tried to disturb Gunaseelar with rain, lightning, thunder, wind and all other possible means but Gunaseelar did not even mind any of these distractions. He was completely unaware of the disturbances. Unable to destroy the penance of Gunaseelar, Indran and all Devas went to Brahma. Brahma seeing through his Gnana power told them that Gunaseelar is not trying to claim the position of Indra and Gunaseelar is doing penance only to bring lord Venkatachalapathy to his ashram. Hearing this, all Devas left happily.

In a far away place near Viraja river, In Vaikundam, where Vimanam that is thousand times brighter like Sun and walls that are adorned with precious stones, sage Sanaka and Narada sings praise of Lord Vasudevan as the lord is seated along with his consort Sridevi and Bhumidevi. From Vaikunda, Lord Vasudevan decides to go along with Sridevi on Garuda Vahanam by crossing the Maha meru mountain, Himalayas and Vindhyas towards the beautiful  ashram of Gunaseelar, situated on the banks of Kaveri, where Gunaseelar is doing penance thinking only about Vasudevan.

Knowing the arrival of Lord Vasudevan at Gunaseelar's ashram, Brahma is present along with his consort saraswathi on his Anna(Swan) vahanam, Lord Shiva is present along with his consort Parvati on Rishbha vahanam and all the Devas, Sages, gandharvas, Yakshas and Thalpiyar along with his disciples were also eagerly present.

As Vasudevan arrived at Gunaseelam along with his consort Sreedevi on Garuda vahanam, Gunaseelar came out of his penance and prostrated to lord Vasudevan and Sreedevi, looking like thousand suns, set atop the maha meru. Knowing that he cannot see this kind of happening in any other births, Gunaseelar stood there with tears in his eyes and goosebumps all over his body.  Lord Prassanna Venkatesa perumal looking strikingly beautiful, from the feet adorned with anklets upto the beautiful crown adorned with precious gems, looked at Gunaseelar, who was looking back at him and told him to ask for a boon that he wishes. Hearing this, Gunaseelar said that other than worshiping the lord himself, he does not want anything but for the wellness of people dwelling on earth, the Lord should stay at Gunaseelam till the end of world and grant the wishes of devotees . The lord also granted the boon and decided to stay at Gunaseelam until the end of world.

Discovering the temple
Sage Gunaseelar did all the pooja and worshiped the god everyday in Krutha yuga,Thretha yuga and Dwapara yuga. At the end of Dwapara yuga, he received an invitation from his Guru Thalpiyar to Theerthachakra yagam, happening in Naimisaranyam. Torn between his wish to not leave his beloved god and to attend the yagam, he told his situation to god Prassanna Venkatachalapathy. The god asks him to go with his guru to Theerthachakra yagam. Taking leave from god, Gunaseelar assigned one of his Students to perform pooja and went with his guru to Naimisaranyam. The disciple performs pooja everyday without any limitations. Situated near to Cauvery river, flood and wild animals problems inhibited the area. After Gunaseelar left, this problem pitched high leaving the Disciple, selected by Gunaseelar, to run away. Many years pass after the incident. Ants build anthill, covering the god with it. The place undergo lots of changes and finally turn into dense grass land.

King Gnanavarman of Chola Dynasty rule with his capital at Nisulapuri, Currently known as Uraiyur in Trichy. His royal cows were put very near to Gunaseelam at Badhra Chakram, currently known as Kallur. The cow herd and milkmaids would take the cows to graze the dense grassland at Gunaseelam. They milk the cows there and take rest for some time. Later they take the milk to palace at Uraiyur.

One time, the pots filled with milk, lost all of its content magically. The milkmaids were worried and discussed what they would tell the king. At that time, one elderly milkmaid got spiritual powers and said," I am Pressanna Venkatesan. I have been living in this anthill for very long time. Go to your king and tell that". Hearing this, the milkmaids reported the incident to King Gnanavarman.

On hearing that, Lord Prassanna Venkatesa perumal has manifested in his kingdom, he orders to journey towards Gunaseelam, along with his guards and soldiers. When he was close to the Anthill, a brahmin walked to him and said,"Dissolve this anthill completely with milk". After saying this, the brahmin disappeared. The king Gnanavarman considered this as a message from god himself. He ordered to bring thousands of tonnes of milk. All the milk maids in the kingdom brought thousands of tonnes of milk by milking cows. The king dissolved the anthill completely using the milk brought by milkmaids.

The king was surprised to see Sri Prassanna Venkatesa Perumal and stood with goosebumps all over him. He could only say the names of god MahaVishnu, "Vasudeva", "Pradyumna", "Sangarshana", "Aniruddha" and so on. The lord replied, "I am very happy annd proud of your Devotion. To fulfill Gunaseela maharishi's Penance, I have decided to stay in Gunaseelam until the world ends. I should be worshiped according to the Vaikanasa agama, specified by Vaikanasa maharishi. Any devotee, who come to my shrine and worship me will get spouse if he pray for a spouse, will get child if he pray for a child, will get money if he pray for money and will get well if he have sickness. People praying me will never get worried. You should worship me everyday by staying at Badrachakram, ruled by your ancestors. You should specially worship me alone on Saturdays. You should develop Badhrachakram village".

The king wanted to build a grand temple with very good architecture works in it but the god asked him to build a very simple temple as people would want to build extend the temple and I want to grant them the good karma. So Gnanavarman built a simple yet a beautiful temple for God and with Vaikanasars(People who worship god after learning Vaikasa agamam are called Vaikanasar) he performed Mahasamprokshanam and gave them gold and jems and recieved their good wishes. He made preparations to perform pooja and worship according to Vaikanasa agamam.

He developed Badrachakram and built a palace there. From there he daily worshiped god Prassanna Venkatesan. He came specially on saturdays alone. From history it is believed on those days, the god spoke to king and other people related to kingdom and to fulfill the wishes of People. Many Devotees during the reign of Gnanavarman got their wishes fulfilled like Sruthavarman got eyesight, devotees getting back to normal mental state, Couple granted child and many more. According to rules, the devotees stayed at Gunaseelam, bathed in Kaveri river and worshiped Prassanna Venkatesa Perumal and got their wishes fulfilled.

Contact Details of the temple office
phone: 04326-275210, 275310